15th Annual Race kicks off Saturday!


Welcome to the 2024 Spokenya Race!

After 20 years engaged in transformation work in the region where I grew up, we are starting to see a glimpse of hope and lasting change. People have experienced a mindset change and have hope for their future. God has remained faithful as we continue to train farmers, pastors, facilitate child sponsorship, provide life-saving clean water and lead families to know God and follow Him daily.
We continue to be engaged in God’s mission in this small corner of the world.  Each year the funds raised at the Spokenya Race provide clean drinking water through a specific project! This year we would like to provide clean water at a rural high school that sources its water from a community pond that dries up for many months of the year. A lot is going on and thank you very much for being part of what God is doing in my community. All of us can be a change agent if we are willing.
David Opap, Executive Director of Spring of Hope International


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